Spotlight Gallery
2020 has been a year that the world will remember forever and will be talked about by future generations. I am of course talking about the Covid 19 pandemic which has affected all our lives, some tragically, others less so. What we all realise is that life has changed forever, or if not forever a very long time. What we took for granted is now a distant memory as we begin what is called the new normal. I would rather it wasn't the new normal but unfortunately I have to accept the reality. During the months of lockdown, many of us who are photographers or artists took the time to re-evaluate our work when forced to cancel trips planned for the forthcoming year. One piece of good news for me during this period was to be awarded overall winner of the 2019 Scottish Nature Photography awards and winner of the seascapes section.
Three rocks Butt of Lewis
Three rocks Butt of Lewis Overall winner of Scottish Nature Photography awards 2019 and winner of the seascapes section
Another task some of us took the time to do was to revamp our websites. I have added a new page called Spotlight Gallery. You will find the link in the menu at the top of the page. This gallery will feature different themes and aspects of photography each month together with some tips for photographing, which I hope you will take the time to browse through and enjoy. The first feature in this new gallery showcases waterfalls from the UK. I welcome comments on the guestbook page so please feel free to post.
Hardraw force
Hardraw force- Yorkshire
So take a moment to head along to the Spotllight gallery each month and meanwhile wherever you may be in the world take care of yourself and your loved ones and enjoy life as much as you possibly can including with your photography.